Chemo round one. No bueno.

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First Chemo date with my dad. Expected time 3 hours. Taxotere and Cytoxan were on the menu. My IV went in smoothly and the first half hour I got some anti-nausea medicine. Turns out I'm allergic to the Taxotere. It caused a reaction that felt like a heat wave running up my arm, across my stomach, up my chest, gave me a headache and then excruciating back pain. They stopped medication for a 30 minute saline break and gave me more medicine to counteract the reaction, then started again at a lower dose. Luckily that worked and no more reactions. The Cytoxan was a dream, no reaction at all. Actual time was 4.5 hours including 15 minutes of picking up prescriptions.

When I posted on Facebook it tried to auto correct Taxotere to “taco tree”. My brother-in-law Dan sent me one; way more preferable than Taxotere.


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